January 16, 2008

alarm clocks from space and why i was late

Scene this January 16, AM. Under the confines of my cozy blankets, buried in warmth.

Suddenly jolts awake. Stares at the round clock hanging on the wall I'm facing. Reads 9.00 AM. Slow, blink...*ding*. Freak out in full mode.

Inside head: Freak!!!!!

I woke up at 9AM. My Anatomy class is 8AM. Yes, I was in "I'm gonna die" mode. I was thinking whether I should still forge on and go to Lab which starts 9 on the dot. YES, I had to at least show up in lab.

So, I threw on presentable clothes, tied back my messy hair, brushed my teeth, grabbed my bag and book, car keys, sock and shoes, and dashed to my car.

I wasn't speeding. Seriously. Ok, so I was but only about 5mph more. And I got to school without further incident, except there was no available parking space in campus. If there was one, it wasn't showing itself to me. Ooh, I just saw one...well, technically, it was a parking space. A space between two cars which you can manage to fit one's car into is a parking space. So, yeah, I got it. And out the passenger side I went.

I speedwalked/dashed/ran? to Montezuma Hall to reach my room. And outside, was my Prof, Prof Z. Aha! She graciously allowed me to go inside the room despite me not showing up in lecture and our lab had started. Yes! Thank you Lord!

Once inside, a few inquiries directed to my table mates assured me that I had not missed a lot. Only that we had a quiz on Wednesday. Ok, cool, I can handle that. I think. Lab had us discussing tissues, art vs. tissues, and microscopes, digital and nondigital.

Lab finished and I found myself walking back to my car. Only to find the people parked next to unable to leave since they couldn't get inside their car. Well, the guy couldn't get to the driver's seat, so they couldn't leave. He was going to try to get in the car by using the back door of their van...but dude, too many obstacles to hurdle, seats and all.

I stood a few feet away, inconspicuously, of course. The guy finally decided to try going in by the passenger side where his girl companion was sitting. Heh. He got in and drove away successfully. I was waiting for screeching or some sort of painful noise. You know, the one that accompanies a piece of something scratching your car by the ragingly mad person. But, no, they were good people. I got in my car and drove away into the light. Ah, it feels so good to go back home.

But wait, I haven't even learned my lesson yet. So the lesson for the day was this: Don't freak out. We say do your best and God will do the rest, but no. It's actually God doing His best and everything so that we just have to do the rest. The simple lesson is trust God. Trust God even when your alarm doesn't do its job, or when your class is 8 and you wake up 9, or when you have to use the passenger door to get out of your car. Believe me, it's better than cursing your alarm clock like a lunatic and waiting for it to give a suitable response. It may make you feel better but it won't fix your day. :)

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