July 22, 2007

I Believe

i believe in eating ice cream on rainy days i believe in the power of laughter XD i believe that hugs and kisses can make you feel better i believe that pleasant surprises are always welcome ;) i believe that thoughtfulness can bring a smile on one's face i believe that God answers prayers i believe that you've got a friend in me i believe in seeing the good side in life i believe in giving your best i believe that pretty nail polish can brighten up a gloomy day i believe that the invention of the 'snooze button' is a genius i believe that sugar high is equal, if not greater, than caffeine high i believe that subtitles is a must for foreign films (esp the chick flicks) i believe in the hilarity of sarcasm i believe in taking risks XoX i believe that failures and mistakes are lessons too i believe in asking questions and directions i believe that arrogance has a cure -- painful in a way i believe in honesty i believe in coloring outside the lines i believe that i can make a strawberry frappucino ~ a la starbucks i believe that combing one's hair is optional i believe that doubt comes before and after confirmation i believe that movies based from books can be disappointing (cougheragoncough) i believe that family reunions have the whole works - drama, suspense, action, comedy and awkward silences *-* i believe there's a reason why people get drunk since they seem to enjoy killer hangovers i believe in saying 'please' and 'thank you' i believe that art comes in many shapes, sizes, forms, and messes i believe like water, stick figures are universal i believe that blinking is contagious i believe that good music is good music no matter the language i believe in cuddling with cute stuffed toys i believe that having people laugh at you is better if you're laughing with them i believe in fabric softener i believe that i drive like a mad(wo)man i believe that blankets give you warm and fuzzy feelings along with a stupid grin on your face i believe in Capitalization ^_^ i believe in humor and witty conversations i believe in sharing opinions and listening to others as well i believe that God is love i believe that some day my brother will get over his spongebob phase i believe that friends are wonderful people who tend to act insane with you i believe that loving can bring smile to your lips and tears to your eyes i believe that laughter is the best medicine, along with cackling, giggling and blushing i believe that animes are not cartoons i believe in believing :)

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